Even Geduld...
 Frodo zet de volgende story in the spotlight: Tinten van Turian - GRIJS (SOTY)



Laatst online: 10 jaar, 69 dagen geleden


xHeadphone is offline





loveDEIDARA, xInnocence


Holy shit, hah! I haven't been on Quizlet for 3 years.. Time flies. I am actually quite surprised I still remembered my username and password..
And damn, Quizlet has changed a lot.. Three years ago it was all about Tokio Hotel and now the only thing I see is One Direction. Not really my thing.

Well, a lot has changed in those three years, and a lot has remained the same.

I am still anime addicted as hell. Can't help it. Although I am quite a normal person..
Music style is different. Hollywood Undead, Thousand Foot Krutch, The Beatles, Mumford and Sons, Ben Howard.. Didn't really listen to any of these guys in the past. I really like them now though.

I think I will write a new story.
And make some new quizzes. I have way too much free time anyway.. Might as well do something useful with it.

Well, if there are actually people reading this shit about me, thanks.
Oh and, if I could give any advise, it would be this.
Screw the people who have a problem with you, be yourself and live your life the way YOU want to

I'm outta here.


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Gastenboek (97)

  • Quimica

    Dankjewel voor je reactie! <333

    1 decennium geleden
  • Lovetoy

    Hoofdstuk zes van mijn story 'The smile on your face. - Fernando Torres' staat nu ook online.

    x Jasey.

    1 decennium geleden
  • secretangel

    Sorry voor het lange wachten, maar ik ben juist terug van vakantie.
    Bedankt voor je lieve reacties!
    Er is een nieuw deeltje van "Never look back.", wil je een reactie achterlaten?

    1 decennium geleden
  • Sanjit

    Dankjewel voor de abbo op mijn verhaal (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • Levi

    Dear reader, ik wou even laten weten dat het verhaal Why Don't You Weep - TOMKAULITZ. is veranderd in Silent Romance - TOMKAULITZ.. Om verwarring te voorkomen. Lees ook even het vakje bij de story zelf en het vakje boven hoofdstuk 19.0

    Veel leesplezier! XOXO

    1 decennium geleden

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